Telescope plugin

The author thinks that the much-vaunted “graph view” of many popular Zettelkasten is all eye-candy with very little utility.1

Visualizing the relationship of one note with other notes in the “vicinity” (i.e., beyond the immediate backlinks) is something that can still be done, in an useful fashion.

The telescope plugin began as a research tool to develop these ideas. It currently doesn’t do anything useful; so as an user, you should just ignore them for now.

  • Brainstorm further: have a, and find paths to that “terminal” note from current note.
    • This comes in handy when writing new notes, which are typically not connected to the Telescope note. The plugin view will guide the user to make connections to the point they are connected ultimately to the telescope node. Perhaps this should be renamed God plugin heh.
  1. However he is willing to have his mind changed. To that end, a Graph-view plugin can be experimented with.
